
wait a minute, who am i?

a silly introduction to the post. click here for the song used

don’t want to read this post? listen to it here!

An audio reading this post. The picture is a drawing of my character, who I may use later on.

good morning/afternoon/evening/night to anyone who may be reading this! if you’ve gone on the first page of my blog, you’ve probably already noticed that there are other posts on here…

those are from my digital studies 101 class! please feel free to ignore- or read, if you really want to- those posts. you may notice that from those posts, there are no introduction posts!

so what better time to introduce myself than after that class is over 🙂 no worries though, since this is for the beginning of another class!

if the website domain name wasn’t clear, my name is ilse (not isle). at the time of writing this, i am 18 years old, turning 19 in less than a month (my birthday is july 3rd!) in the fall, i will be a sophomore at UMW. yes, i managed to survive my freshman year as a commuter.

my plan is to major in elementary education and become an elementary school teacher in the future. i do want to minor in something, though i am still undecided- but for the most part, i seem to be heading into a digital studies minor direction.

it’s been a rather eventful summer- as soon as my sister finished her school year, we headed out to florida. here’s a quick picture from our time at magic kingdom:

seven dwarves mine train
my family riding seven dwarfs mine train- my mother hiding in agony

at the top, hiding from the ride that was definitely not worth the wait, my mother! the blue shirted man is my father. on the bottom left is my sister, and finally, me.

florida was a lot of fun, and also took a massive chunk of my phone storage up… but other than florida, i’ve also gotten a part-time job teaching soccer at daycares (i know NOTHING about soccer. i do not think i am qualified for this job) and giving piano classes to a couple of people from my church.

thank you for reading my little “about me” ramble. i’m excited for this class (digital storytelling) and hope i can spend these five weeks really testing my ability to… digitally storytell?

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