
we’re levitating!

chosen video assignment: lyric video snippet worth 4 stars
*disclaimer: i did do it, but w/ a sillier approach

Ever wonder the origin of Dua Lipa’s song, Levitating? Well, look no further than this post! I’ve got the answer in here.

Everyone knows nothing is capable of levitation, right? We’ve read countless books on heroes and fantastical abilities, seen people say they can do it, only for it to be not true… there’s no way something out there is actually capable, right?

Well, that’s where your wrong. Dua Lipa herself has encountered creatures capable of levitation- and it’s none other than cats. One day, while she walked to the location of one of her performances, a group of cats gathered in front of her and began to take flight. It shook her completely!

Frightened, Dua Lipa cancelled her performance and immediately headed home. But, she also felt inspired- she immediately began writing down a song that would be become one of her most popular songs to date.

Soon enough, Levitating was born. A massive hit! And it was entirely inspired by these levitating cats.

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